Environmental Sustainability


The Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC) is committed to reducing our environmental impact. We do so through ongoing efforts to save energy and water, recycle, purchase environmentally preferable products and help raise awareness of environmental issues.

Please view our Green Initiatives below that we have implemented to minimize our environmental impact.

Green Initiatives

Energy Conservation & Renewable Energy

  • 2.21 megawatt solar array; total solar is now 2.58 megawatts, the largest solar array on a municipally owned convention center in the United States. See our current stats here.
  • Upgrade of over 3,000 exterior and interior lights (including those in exhibit halls) to LED lamps (70% of lamps have been replaced to date) with projected savings of over 1.5 million kWh annually
  • Installed CO2 sensors in parking garages that will save 2 million Kilowatt Hours and $200,000 annually
  • Our “cool roof” and light defusing windows reflect sunlight and heat away from the building
  • (13) Level 2 EV chargers installed in South and West Parking Garages

Water Conservation

  • 80% of sprinklers have been replaced with more efficient, leak-preventing models.
  • Implemented an irrigation zoning plan to cut water waste; in some zones total irrigation time (in minutes) has decreased by more than 50%
  • Upgraded toilets and urinals
    • Replaced 710 toilets throughout the facility with low gallon-per-flush models reducing water consumption for toilet use is projected to decrease by 20-25%.
  • Replaced 30,000 sq. ft. of turf around the facility with drought-tolerant landscaping; estimated water conservation of 320,000 gallons/per year.
  • Installed 0.5 GPM water misers and aerators to over 300 faucets throughout the facility.  
    • Installation of water misers and aerators is estimated to save 500,000 gallons of water annually.

Recycling & Waste Diversion

  • Waste Diversion Annual Average: 70% or above
  • As of December 2020, the LACC diverted more than 9.4 million pounds of construction and demolition waste since 2014
  • As of December 2020, the LACC recycled more than 2.3 million pounds of cardboard, glass, aluminum, plastic, and paper since 2014
  • Highest diversion rate for single event: a recording breaking 90.3% for US Green Build Council Annual (USGBC) 2016
  • Waste and recycling bins inside facility made from 97% recycled milk jugs

Sustainable Product Purchasing

  • Sustainable purchases account for 80.58% of all ongoing consumables
  • Sustainable cleaning products and materials as a percentage of total cost of cleaning products and materials are at 83.51%
  • Installed 9,500 sq. ft. rooftop garden with produce that will build on the food service program of 90% locally sourced food
  • Replaced all paper towel dispensers with more efficient models that have decreased paper towels purchasing by about 15,600 sheets per year

Education & Communication

  • Environmental education events include annual participation in Earth Hour, Earth Day and America Recycles Day
  • Employee Green Team created as a forum for employees to get involved in environmental issues at the LACC
  • Environmental tips are posted weekly on social media (#ecoMonday) and monthly employee newsletter features new green tips

Alternative Transportation

  • The LACC encourages all employees, clients and guests to reduce their carbon footprint by considering alternative means of transportation to the facility.  This includes carpooling, use of electric vehicles, public transportaion, walking and biking.
  • $100 per month transit subsidy for all employees
  • Accessible by Metro Expo Line, Red Line, and Purple Line, as well as several bus lines
  • (13) Level 2 EV chargers installed in the South and West Parking Garages

What You Can Do

We’re doing our best to reduce our environmental impact and hope you will join us in our efforts. Here are a few tips to make your visit to the LACC more environmentally friendly:

  • Consider walking, biking, taking public transit, or carpooling to avoid traffic, save on gas and parking, and reduce your carbon footprint. Get directions here.
  • Help us increase our recycling rate by placing all waste and recyclables into designated receptacles – if you aren’t sure where to put something, please ask!
  • Use only as many disposable items (e.g., paper towels, napkins, utensils) as you need
  • Take our Pack in / Pack out policy into account when planning your event

Green Tip of the Week

Ways to Reduce Waste

Visit the LACC's social media channels every Monday to learn new tips to easily reduce waste on a daily basis.  Follow the Los Angeles Convention Center on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instragram.


Earth Hour 

Earth Hour is an annual event designed to engage millions of people worldwide on a broad range of environmental issues. Each year, more than 7,000 cities show their support for environmental issues by participating in Earth Hour. On Earth Hour the LACC turns off its non-essential lights for one hour, primarily focusing on West and South Hall towers, as a symbolic call to action to protect our planet.